Friday, February 26, 2010

Leaving the door wide open

"Have nothing in your home you know not to be useful and believe to be beautiful". William Morris

On first read I thought, "Great!  Useful and beautiful, got it!" But as we talked about how to give people back "permission" to make their own design choices (previous blog), it became very clear how powerful, succinct, and wise his comment was.

Read it again and listen to how it changes when you key into the words know and believe.  Have nothing in your home you KNOW not to be useful and BELIEVE to be beautiful.   William Morris was giving you permission to make your own decisions! Have items in your home YOU know to be useful, not a gadget an ad tells you that you need. Have items in your home YOU believe to be beautiful, not something that is the current design trend.

Bill was one of the founders of the Arts & Crafts movement, yet he does not say fill your home with Arts & Crafts style furnishings. He left that door wide open for YOU to decide what is useful and where YOU find beauty.

The pink flamingo in your yard may bring you humor and is useful in that regard.
You may find beauty in the old orange macrame plant hanger you found at a garage sale.

It does not matter what anyone else thinks, as long as you know and believe. Keep believing, my friends.

Listen to your eyes. PB

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