As I kid my father would cut me out of school on Friday for a long weekend of fishing in Eastern Washington. We would meet up with Carl "Curly" Gleason and his son Carl Jr. for the trip over highway 2. Camp out Thursday night in the riverside park in Wenatchee and hit the lakes Friday. Specticle, Wannacut, Alta, and Twin lakes all gave up their treasured trout to us. God, it was just beautiful in the Methow and Okanogon Valleys. Still is.
One thing I remember though was the talks Dad and Curly had about politics. Their respecive views were as divergent as the water spilling from the broken aquaduct high above Specticle Lake. They would sometimes talk the whole drive over and back as well as late into the night. At that age I had no idea exactly what they were talking about, but I knew they had opposite views. But I also saw the respect they had for each others views and how they could put it all behind when another lunker hit the orange Flat Fish we were slowly trolling behind a Ford Fender. They were life long friends despite of, or because of, their different points of view.
Maybe that is why I am troubled by the tone of today's politicial rheteric; I learned a bit about mutual respect rowing that wooden boat around Alta with 3 lines in the water.
Too bad we can't all go fishin'
p.s. Curly was bald.
p.s.s. An old fishing buddy Joseph Demeo in image.
Oh Amen! I grew up debating politics with my Dad. I'm a liberal, he's a libertarian. We always talked respectfully and conceded when the other made a good point. I was in my teens before I realized not everybody listens to political debate politely and with an open mind. Such a shame!