Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Play All Your Hunches

I just realized that it should be no surprise that I found my niche in the vintage lighting business. Growing up in Western Washington where there is about 8 months of gloomy dismal weather, I always felt drawn to the sun. I felt its warmth, its power, and even as a child, recognized it as the source of life on this planet. As I grew older I noticed my Seasonal Affective Disorder grew a bit more noticable each year until it was so bad I had to get out of there. So I moved to the mountains of Arizona where the sun shines year around, topping off at a pleasent mid 80s through the summer. My SAD has been replaced by a mild case of allergies, but the mild depression is gone. I'll take that trade.
Play all your hunches, and always;

Listen to your eyes. PB

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