Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shadow Beauty

As I was listening to the graduating students at yesterday's Prescott College Baccalaureate, one of the graduates read from the writing of a juvenile in detention. Her project was to introduce the wonders and beauty of nature to a group of troubled youths (juvenile delinquents) through direct interaction and had them express that experience through writing. Pretty great I thought.

One youth wrote that it he was amazed at the beauty the shadows held. It was not surprising that that was where he was looking, the shadows. What was a bit surprising though was what he saw there, the beauty.

There are times in all our lives when we walk out into the sunlight and it is just way too bright and we have to wait until our eyes adjust to the light. What a great opportunity that time is, to focus on the beauty in the shadows.

Listen To your Eyes. PB

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